Parking - to create a new account:
If this is the first time you are visiting the EduTrack (formerly SmartSchool) select “Click here to begin your setup process”. This will allow you to create your own User Account, add payment methods etc.
Returning Users type in your Username and password.
(See below for fee payment links).
Parking Permits may be purchased on the following dates per grade level:
- Parking Permit sales for Seniors only: August 12-14, 2024.
- Parking Permit sales for Juniors only: August 15-19, 2024.
- Parking for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors: August 20, 2024.
- Cost: $140 for the year.
Demand for parking permits exceeds our supply of parking spaces. To meet as many requests as possible for Park families, only one parking permit per household/siblings. Families who ask for a second permit will be added to a waiting list.
Parking Permit Link
Students that have purchased permits online may pick up the physical permit on the following dates:
August 21-23: 8:30am-3:00pm
August 28, 29: 8:30am-3:00pm
September 6: 8:20am-3:30pm
Open house, August 28: 5-7pm
Parking Expectations and Rights
Park High School expects students who drive to school to:
Purchase an annual parking permit
- Display their PHS parking permit on the vehicle's rear view mirror (number must face out)
- Know the PHS parking rules
- Adhere to all PHS parking rules
- Accept the consequences for violations of the parking rules
Park High School reserves the right to:
- Search a vehicle
- Tow away or boot a vehicle
- Suspend student parking privileges
- Revoke student parking privileges
- Modify parking rules at any time
Parking Lot Layout
How to Get a Permit
Parking space at PHS is limited, therefore students will receive permits on a first come, first served basis. Please bring your valid driver’s license when picking up your permit. Students with a learner's permit may not purchase a parking pass.
Purchase a Permit Beginning August 12 for seniors (the link will NOT show parking options until August 12, when it opens for seniors).
Parking Permit LinkPick up a permit on the following dates:
- August 21-23: 8:30am-3:00pm
- August 28-31: 8:30am-3:00pm
- September 6: 8:20am-3:30pm
- Open house, August 28: 5-7pm